urogeane womens health 1

Urogynae Conditions

1 in 3 women struggle with a pelvic floor issue at some point in their life, yet so many don’t seek help or are too embarrassed to. Pelvic health Physiotherapy is an effective treatment choice that is clinically proven and recommended by NICE as the first line of treatment to help support issues such as incontinence, prolapse, sexual discomfort, bowel and bladder issues and menstrual health issues. Additionally, our team supports pre and post operative rehabilitation for a range of gynaecological surgeries.


Pelvic Health Physiotherapy aims to optimise recovery, alleviate pain, and improve pelvic floor muscle function whilst empowering you to take control of your symptoms and improve your quality of life. Nothing is taboo!

mintwellbeing aug2023 womensphysio HR 0219

Conditions treated include:

Meet the team of experts of Mint Wellbeing

Our team of Physiotherapists are highly qualified in their respective fields and we are confident that by coming to see us you will feel listened to, supported and ultimately know that you are in incredibly safe hands. 

What our patients say..