young woman playing tennis 2023 11 27 05 28 53 utc


Since our clinic is located in Wimbledon, the home of Tennis, we are passionate about this sport!


Did you know that if you have a shoulder or upper limb related tennis injury you shouldn’t just address your arm when doing rehabilitation. Tennis is a whole body sport and if you have any weakness or stiffness in your foot, lower limb, hips or back you could be impacting your service and tennis swing.


We understand that you need quick explosive movements, lateral agility, speed and endurance to tolerate the repetitive strokes.


Rotator cuff injuries, tennis elbow and knee pain can be common injuries we see in tennis players. They are all resolvable with tailored Physiotherapy and evidence based care.


If you want to develop power, precision and confidence on the court then our team are here to help you achieve your goals.

What our patients say..