Gross Motor Developmental Assessment and Management

mintwellbeing sept2023 kidsphysio HR 0059

Gross Motor Developmental Assessment and Management

Baby not rolling by the time you think they should? Toddler age child not actually toddling or moving around? This could be Gross Motor Developmental Delay.


If you have concerns that your child isn’t reaching their milestones Ciara will offer a comprehensive screening for neurodevelopmental conditions including Gross Motor Developmental Delay. Some symptoms may include a very tight baby (high tone) or a floppy baby (low tone), or a delay in gross motor skills such as rolling, sitting, crawling or walking. Sound familiar? Alleviate any concerns by getting expert advice and book in today.

Rehabilitation of your baby or young child will play based activities, positioning and loads of advice and reassurance for you. If an onward referral is recommended to additional medical professionals then Ciara will support with this.

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